Founded during the 1690s, through the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1790s, from feudal lords, daimios, famous kabuki stars and to the present day Japanese Imperial Household, we have supplied and maintained our longstanding traditions ensuring that only the best kept secrets are carefully and strategically combined with the latest in Japanese technology to produce some of the world’s most treasured tonics, herbal and food medicine.
As one of the leading manufacturers and marketers of quality premium nutriceutical supplements, our uniqueness and strengths lie in our commitment and passion in using only superior grade ingredients sourced from largely Japanese-owned organic farms, independent farmers and community co operatives greatly focused on Organic, Fresh, All Natural Resources. Through our further emphasis on quality, innovation, research, technology, customer service, processes and traditional methods culminating in producing superior supplements that nourish through generations. It’s with this dedication that our products have become synonymous with credibility and establishment and has become widely recognized, as well, proven,to be highly effective.
Biogenics MD® is a deluxe blend of 128 types of organic herbs, berries, nuts, fruits, mushrooms and plants derived from our sustainable farms in Brazil and infused with natural mountain spring water. It is followed by seven years of Natural Fermentation in a biologically active environment which allows the development of a slow and evolving synergistic blend of lactic acid bacteria and their food supply. Biogenics MD® special technology results in a full culture method which retains all the friendly bacteria + supernatant.
Naturally fortified with our patented LPS, Biogenics MD® is over 1,000 times stronger than any beneficial bacteria, beta-glucans or fermented paste.
This instrumental development warranted an audience with the Japanese Emperor.
“Food” for the friendly bacteria is needed for them to grow and multiply
Our proprietary LPS increases immunity by over 1,000 times and allows for
128 types of organic plants, herbs, fruits, berries, creates a dense biologically active and nutrient rich medium.
food ingredients that regulates our stress, absorption and interactions in our gut.
all of the work being done inside any cell is being done by enzymes.
Natural coating that protects each friendly bacteria from the harsh stomach acids
128 types of Organic plants, herbs, fruits, nuts, mushrooms and berries are collected from organic farms in Brazil, processed, partially fermented and sent to Japan.
partially fermented and sent to Japan 128 types of Organic plants, herbs, fruits, nuts, mushrooms and berries are collected from organic farms in Brazil, processed, .
fruits, nuts, mushrooms and berries are collected 128 types of Organic plants, herbs, from organic farms in Brazil, processed, partially fermented and sent to Japan.
from organic farms in Brazil, 128 types of Organic plants, herbs, fruits, nuts, mushrooms and berries are collected processed, partially fermented and sent to Japan.
Organic plants, herbs, fruits, nuts, mushrooms 128 types of and berries are collected from organic farms in Brazil, processed, partially fermented and sent to Japan.
Brazil, processed, partially 128 types of Organic plants, herbs, fruits, nuts, mushrooms and berries are collected from organic farms in fermented and sent to Japan.
berries are collected 128 types of Organic plants, herbs, fruits, nuts, mushrooms and from organic farms in Brazil, processed, partially fermented and sent to Japan.
With pure mountain spring water and fresh air this region is known as the “Pharmacy Kingdom” of Japan.
Bio Essentials International Group
BIO E Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Digestive Department)
138 Cecil Street
#18-00 Cecil Court
Singapore 387587
Tel : +65 6385 1544
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